Flashback challenge

Spotted an interesting challenge the other day from a fellow book-blogger - the Flashback challenge - which involves  re-reading books that you haven't read for ages. Am getting quite excited about being prompted into re-reading books that I've been meaning to for a long time.

The challenge is divided into 3 categories : books you read as a child, books that you read at school, and books that you read as an adult - not including anyone who could read in the crib that seems to cover just about everything. Have been debating what to re-read, and I think that what you'll see over the next year will include - We'll meet in England and The wheel on the school, both of these I read in school, Mystery Mile, Tom Jones, Touch not the cat and possibly Any human heart (read as an adult). The childrens' non-school section I'm finding the hardest to narrow down, the books I loved as a child, I've re-read many times as an adult, so I'm currently scratching my head to think of something I haven't read for a long time, I think one of the books will probably be The phoenix and the carpet, and perhaps Ludo and the star horse, The little broomstick and Emil and the detectives. Watch this space!


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